David Totman
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Infrastructure Industry Expert
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s with the name?
WaterVentions is an amalgam of product “InVentions” and solution consulting “InterVentions” in the water industry.
How about the logo?
If you notice the “W” has a highlighted “V” as well for WaterVentions. Also note, with some artistic license, the “W” represents the H2O molecule chain with a 1.3 ratio of the Oxygen to Hydrogen atomic radius and the 104 degree bond angle, more or less…
How long have you been in business?
WaterVentions was launched in December of 2024, yet has 40+ years of experience in the water industry.
Can you help us save time, save money, and generally be more productive?
Yes – fill out our contact form or simply email david.totman@waterventions.com.